I’ve lived in Kansas City for a decade, which means I have spent the last few years becoming increasingly smug about the Chiefs. I know on an instinctive level that this is just setting me up for greater humiliation. But victory is fleeting: you’ve gotta celebrate when you can.
When your team’s on top, you want a game-day spread for high times and high rollers. You want a menu that says: You are invincible. You are Ozymandias, King of Kings, and you don’t know a thing about any lone and level sands. People say “Pride goeth before the fall,” but they’ve never seen you goeth.
These are the dishes to reach for when there’s zero chance you’ll be photographed morosely spooning caviar onto a paper plate while your “untouchable” quarterback is sacked for the fifth time this game. And worst case scenario, are you really going to regret eating the caviar?
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