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Where to Buy Pretty Throw Pillows for Under $20 | Thrifty Decor Chick


Where to find the best throw pillow covers for under $20!

I’m back to share my favorite resources for
cute and affordable pillow covers. I love sharing where I find
home decor at a great price. 

Pillow covers are one of those things I switch out more often than any other
decor item. If you get them for a good price, they’re an easy way to change
up the accent colors in a room. 

I also like to use different textures and
colors for the seasons. 

I’ve found some sources for budget-friendly throw pillow covers (and inserts) over the years — the prices are so good! 

ALL of the throw pillow covers I’m sharing have a zipper and are under $20, and most are well under that, or come in a set of two. 

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I prefer covers instead of store-bought pillows these because they cut down on the storage space significantly. I wash and store them away for different seasons and holidays and then reuse the removable inserts in the new cases. 

When you order your inserts, order one size larger than your pillow cover for a fuller look! 

1. Amazon pillow covers

neutral cream windowpane pillows on bed

The quality is great — I’ve washed them numerous times. They are SO pretty. 

There’s a similar striped version I usually have on our dining room window seat as well: 
window seat with shelves

They both come in a variety of sizes. 

cream sofa with blue and leather pillows

I liked them so much I ordered more for our basement!

warm fall pillows on window seat

You get a set of two. I got mine in dark coffee — it’s such a lovely, rich color. These are the same, soft fabric on both sides, and of course come with a zipper so you can easily wash them!  

burgundy and brown fall pillows

These have a cute wood button detail that I love. I may have to grab the wine colored covers for Christmas!

Any of these would look great on a sofa, chair or as accents on a bed.

2. Etsy pillow covers

Another GREAT place to shop for inexpensive pillow covers is Etsy. You can
find any style, color or price range. I like supporting small businesses whenever possible!

blue cream Turkish pillow
Turkish cream and black pillow cover

I bought the blue and cream one and the quality is amazing! I was shocked by the
prices — I’d expect to pay WAY more for these. 

They have amazing reviews and
a TON of one-of-a-kind pillow covers for under $20.

Of course there are plenty of affordable covers in more traditional designs as
well. This tan and black plaid is a classic: 
tan black plaid pillow cover
gray white floral pillow under $20
ticking stripe pillow cover

3. H&M Home pillow covers

H&M is great for the basics. The tried and true, classic fabrics that will never go out of style. I have found the quality to be wonderful.


green linen pillow covers

Those come in a few colors at $15 each.

H&M velvet pillows

Years ago I purchased a few in dark green that I use every Christmas — they still look great! 

H&M neutral three pillow set

4. DIY for less

I know I said where to buy pillows…but if you know how to sew at all, you can purchase table linens and make your own pillows for a fraction of the price!

Pottery Barn pillows with napkins

There you go! Four of my favorite spots for pillow covers at reasonable prices. 

You’ll save money overall if you use covers, instead of buying (usually more expensive) pillows that don’t have zippers or buttons. 

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affordable throw pillow covers


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